P1000799 [800x600]

For roughly a week straight I made the same sandwich, but I only put the thought forward to photograph it after I used up all the good bread. The rolls were massive compared to the amount of sausage in them though so there wasnt much to see but bread. After downgrading to hot dog buns the first thing I put into the sandwich was some diced white onion. I got bored waiting for the sausages to finish grilling in the panini press, so I layed down the bbq sauce before the sausage. Finally I got the “franks” out of the grill and placed them between the buns, but then I poured a little white vinegar down the length of it to tang it up some. By this point I had polished off my avocado, but every prior instance of these had some avocado slices down the length of it. These were delicious, I made a couple for my roomate Tree during the week and he seemed to enjoy them as much as I did.